Bistable Solenoids for Access Control
![[Translate to Englisch:] Bistabile Hubmagnete für Zugangskontrolle](/fileadmin/user_upload/nid_348_upl_3507.jpg)
For the mechanical action a bistable actuator solenoid is most suitable. Such devices have two stable end positions, corresponding to the locked and unlocked state. They quickly change from one state to the other when excited by a short current pulse. Typically they need an H-bridgeas controlling circuit.
As they remain in their position without supplying power and need short current pulses only to switch their position they allow along battery lifetime. Other advantages are the direct linear action which eliminates the need for gears and/or crank shafts, the speed and the variability insize, stroke and force.
- Simply safe and compact size
- Ideal for battery operation
- Locking forces through redirection of force